One of my best friends called me from prison the other day. You remember Warner aka “Big Moses” from my book “Unshackled.” He would get up before everyone and singing loudly, “Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Grant It, Jesus Is My Plea.” Then shout, “Get up and praise the LORD,” which would wake everyone up on the cellblock. He shared that he’s doing great and continues to serve and grown where God planted him. He is still hoping to be reunited with his family one day if his parole is granted. If you think of him this week, ask God’s favor on him as he ministers.
Among the many things Big Moses imparted on me as a young Christian, besides the hundreds of Hymnal songs he knew by heart, was that, “God places people in your life for a season, a reason or a life time.” That statement was perfectly timed. God had been using Pastor Larry to introduce me to many people from his church. Some I spoke with over the phone, others through letters and many would actually come to the prison to minister to me. A few like Rob Meier, Marty and Natalie Williams, spent over twenty years visiting me and have become life-long friends.
God works in seasons, for a reason and over our life time. James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5.
I am totally convinced those I meet today have an eternal significance in my life, even if it’s for a season. I just need to trust and recognize His purposes through prayer.